Silicon nitride-bonded silicon carbide products (side composite blocks for electrolytic aluminum cells, kilns, risers), silicon nitride powder, and calcined coke are the leading industries

Wang Xinjian, Prosecutor General of Dongying City Procuratorate, and his party went to Huiyu Resource Recycling Industrial Park to guide the work

Nov 12,2021


On the afternoon of September 30, Wang Xinjian, Prosecutor General of Dongying City Procuratorate, and the heads of relevant departments of the city directly, accompanied by Jia Xuekun, Chairperson of the Lijin County Political Consultative Conference, Wang Xinjian, Secretary of Party Workers of the New District, Director of the Management Committee, and Secretary of the Township Party Committee, went to Shandong Huiyu Resources Recycling Industrial Park to guide enterprises in their safe production work.




In the dispatch center of Huiyu Park, General Manager Ba Aimin introduced the overall planning and design standards of the industrial park, namely the comprehensive utilization project with an annual output of 1.2 million tons of carbon and waste heat, the special resistant project with an annual output of 50,000 tons, and the research and development center of carbon and special resistant. And a detailed introduction to the fully automated production equipment and remote video monitoring system used in the first phase of the built carbon and waste heat utilization project. The production line realizes the collection, storage and statistical analysis of production process data, achieving the effect of safety and efficiency, resource sharing, centralized management and control, and optimal scheduling.


In the new product exhibition area, General Manager Ba Aimin also made a detailed report on the development of enterprise safety production, product technology innovation, product promotion and domestic and foreign market production.



After listening to the report of the general manager of Ba Aimin, the leaders of Wang Xinjian and his party fully affirmed the development and construction concept, design standards, comprehensive utilization of waste heat, safe supporting construction, and intelligent operation and control of Huiyu Resources Recycling Industrial Park. And encourage enterprises to continue to innovate and achieve safe, efficient and healthy development.



General Manager Ba Aimin, Deputy General Manager Ba Aiguo, General Manager Wang Xijian of Huiyu Park, and Assistant General Manager Yuan Jingde warmly received Prosecutor General Wang Xinjian and his party.